Mr Brian Dempster


Appointed as a Parent Governor at Bishop luffa School whilst my children attended the School, I became a Trustee of the Multi Academy Trust in 2022.

My working life has centred around finance and operations, in organisations from corporates to running a successful family company. Latterly, this has included twelve years as a Bursar and Clerk to the Governors at three independent schools which was inspired by my initial governing role at Bishop Luffa. I have just left a part-time role as Clerk to the Governors at the Royal Ballet School in Covent Garden.

Having seen governance on 'both sides of the fence' I am now able to bring the best of those experiences to ensure that children receive the best possible start to their lives whilst attending academy schools.


Type of Trustee


Date appointed

27 January 2022

Term of Office

4 years



Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)

6 of 7

Committee Membership

Audit & Risk

Rumboldswhyke Local Governing Body

Attendance (Committees)

Audit & Risk - 3 of 3


Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)