Exam Results


The following link will take you to the Department for Education performance tables

GCSE Results - Summer 2024

Number in Year 11: 242


Students attaining 'Strong' (9-5) English and Maths 53.70%
Students attaining 'Standard' (9-4) English and Maths 78.90%
Students attaining 5 'Strong' passes (9-5) including English and Maths 52.90%
Students attaining 5 'Standard' passes (9-4) including English and Maths 74%
Average Attainment 8 Score 51.63
Average Attainment 8 Score per entry 5.16
Students entered for the Ebacc 73 (30.2%)
Students achieving the EBacc ('Standard' pass) 62 (25.6%)
Students achieving the EBacc ('Strong' pass) 42 (17.4%)
Average EBacc points score for the cohort 4.54
Progress 8 score N/A
% of students staying in education or employment after KS4 N/A


A'Level Results - Summer 2024

A'Level Exams summary for Year 13 students (unamended)


Total number of students in Year 13 188
Total number of A level entries 549
% of A Level entries awarded A* grade [and total number] 8.7% [48]
% of A Level entries awarded A*-A [and total number] 26.6% [146]
% of A Level entries awarded A*-B [and total number] 49% [269]
% of A Level entries awarded A*-C [and total number] 75.4% [414]
% of entries awarded A*-E [and total number] 98.7% [542]
Average Result B-

GCSE Results - Summer 2023

Number in Year 11: 237

Students attaining 'Strong' (9-5) English and Maths


Students attaining 'Standard' (9-4) English and Maths


Students attaining 5 'Strong' passes (9-5) including English and Maths


Students attaining 5 'Standard' passes (9-4) including English and Maths


Average Attainment 8 Score


Average Attainment 8 Score per entry


Students entered for the EBacc

66 (27.8%)

Students achieving the EBacc ('Standard' pass)

53 (22.4%)

Students achieving the EBacc ('Strong' pass)

34 (14.3%)

Average EBacc points score for the cohort


Progress 8 score


% of students staying in education or employment after KS4



A Level Results - Summer 2023

A Level exams summary for Year 13 students (unamended)

Total number of students in Year 13


Total number of A level entries


% of A Level entries awarded A* grade [and total number]

10.9% [43]

% of A Level entries awarded A*-A [and total number]

29.3% [116]

% of A Level entries awarded A*-B [and total number]

58.3% [231]

% of A Level entries awarded A*-C [and total number]

78.3% [310]

% of entries awarded A*-E [and total number]

99.7% [395]

Average Result
