Homework Timetable 2024-2025
Key Stage 3
(Year 7 – 20 minutes Year 8 – 30 minutes, Year 9 – 30 minutes per subject per slot)
Study Capture: 5 minutes per student every night: Keywords, key takeaways.
Humanities subjects - Equivalent 1 homework slots per week
Maths - Equivalent of 3 homework slots per week.
English - Equivalent of 2 homework slots per week.
Science - Equivalent of 2 homework slots per week.
Languages - Equivalent of 2 homework slots per week.
Technology: Students in Y7 will also have a maximum of 1 hour of Technology homework per week. Students in Y8 a maximum of 1.5 hours and Year 9 up to 2 hours per week. The frequency and quantity of homework will depend on the nature of the class work undertaken.
Computer Science homework is likely to be set every two weeks, depending upon the requirements of the module being studied. It may be a specific task or research and the time allocated increases through the Key Stage from 30 to 50 minutes.
Art: One or two homeworks will be set for Art each half term. They are likely to be research tasks aimed at broadening your knowledge of the theme you are working on or developing ideas to help your own, independent work develop. In year 7 you should usually be prepared to spend between 20 and 60 minutes, Year 8 & 9 should usually be prepared to spend between 40 and 60 minutes on an Art homework.
Drama will set one homework each half term. This may involve a research task to widen your knowledge of a particular topic, consolidation of knowledge quiz, written evaluations of practical work or planning and script writing in preparation for your next lesson. At certain points in the year line learning and extra rehearsals may be required in addition to these key homeworks.
Music will set one homework each half term. This may involve a research task to widen your knowledge of a particular topic, a listening task, or consolidation of knowledge quiz. The type of task will largely depend upon the topic being studied in class. You should spend between 30 to 40 minutes on this. Musicians are expected to practise any instruments you play regularly, and to attend school instrumental groups and choirs set up for your instrument or voice.
Key Stage 4
(Year 10 – 40 minutes, Year 11 – 50 to 60 minutes per subject per homework slot)
Study Capture: 5 minutes per student every night: Keywords, key takeaways.
All option subjects and RE set the equivalent of 2 homework slots per week.
English set the equivalent of 2 homework slots per week.
Maths homework is the equivalent to three homework’s, and can be completed in one or multiple sessions. The day’s when students would have Maths lessons have been indicated with *.
Science set the equivalent of 3 homework slots per week (One per science; Biology, Chemistry, Physics).