English Language and Literature

Subject: English Language and Literature

Syllabus Number: English Language: AQA 8700, English Literature: AQA 8702

Teachers who lead the subject: Mr S Collins (Head of English) and Mr K Allman (Second in English)


Why study English Language and Literature

Everyone at Bishop Luffa studies both English Language and English Literature. You will achieve two GCSEs in Year 11. English is a vital subject for all to study, for, as the author Anne Fine says:

‘Without English, nothing. And without good English, nothing very well.’


Outline of syllabus content

In English Language you will:


  • Read comfortably, and with good understanding, a wide range of texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. These texts will include literary fiction and non-fiction, as well as other writing such as reviews and journalism

  • Develop your ability to read and evaluate texts – being a critical reader - and make comparisons between them

  • Develop skills to help you summarise a text and synthesise (select the appropriate) information or ideas from it

  • Use knowledge and ideas from your reading to inform and improve your own writing

  • Write effectively, clearly and precisely using Standard English wherever appropriate.

  • Learn to use the grammar of Standard English correctly and punctuate and spell accurately

  • Build and use a wide vocabulary, alongside a knowledge and understanding of subject terminology, and linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language

  • Recognise the difference between spoken non-Standard and Standard English and use them effectively in different contexts.


In English Literature you will:


  • Build your reading range to include Shakespeare, a 19th century novel, contemporary prose, drama and poetry. You will read and evaluate these as a critical reader too.

  • Write about literature in a clear and coherent way and you will use accurate Standard English.



Both English Language and Literature are 100% exam.


  • In English Language you will have two exams: Paper 1, “Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing,” is 1 hour 45 minutes long and is worth 50% of the GCSE. Paper 2, “Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives” covers non-fiction, is also 1 hour 45 minutes and worth 50% of the GCSE.

  • In English Literature you will have two exams, “Shakespeare and the 19th century novel” and “Modern texts and poetry.”


Additional information is available on the Curriculum Overview section of the website - click here