Subject: Mathematics
Syllabus Number: Edexcel 1MA1
Teachers who lead the subject: Mrs H Kettle (Head of Maths) & Mrs S Callaghan (Key Stage 4 Lead)
Why study Mathematics?
Mathematics is a compulsory subject at GCSE. All students start their GCSE Mathematics studies at the beginning of Year 9, and continue through into Year 10 and 11. Mathematics is a key qualification and a GCSE pass is expected for most occupations. On top of that, you will be developing your problem-solving skills, critical thinking, ability to process and apply new information, and finally strengthen your ability to work confidently with number.
Outline of syllabus content
The syllabus builds on the content of KS3 with further topics in Number, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Geometry and Measures, Probability and Statistics.
Mathematics GCSE will be graded 1-9, with grade 9 designed to stretch and identify the most able students. The GCSE is divided into Higher and Foundation tiers. The Higher tier covers grades 4-9 whilst Foundation covers 1-5.
In the GCSE specification there is a significant amount of content in both Higher and Foundation tiers and students will need to remember key formulae. There is an emphasis on problem solving, requiring you to apply your maths knowledge and communicate your reasoning clearly.
For those students who are our very highest achieving, there is also the possibility of studying for an additional qualification called the FSMQ (Free Standing Mathematics Qualification), which is taught in a one-hour session after school once per week. The course is designed to provide bridging between GCSE and A-level, and extends certain topics from GCSE even further, whilst also introducing new work. FSMQ runs from around the second full week of Year 10, with content completed in full by Christmas of Year 11.
Assessment for GCSE Maths will be in the form of three one and a half hour papers in the Summer of Year 11. The papers are equally weighted. There will be one non-calculator paper. You will either take Foundation tier papers or Higher tier papers. The final decision on tier of entry will be made in the Spring of Year 11.
Additional information is available on the Curriculum Overview section of the website - click here