Curriculum Support & Key Skills

Subject: Curriculum Support & Key Skills

Teacher who leads the subject: Mrs H Kettle (Year10) and Mr S Collins (Year 11)

Click on the image below to find out more:



What will I study in Year 10?

In Year 10 you will study Functional Skills Maths at either Level 1 or Level 2. The course is designed to underpin what you are learning in mainstream maths lessons. Within the course there is time built in to enable delivery at a slower place and support you with your studies.
There are 2 exams at the end of the course 1 Calculator and 1 Non-Calculator.

Students complete engaging challenges, collect evidence of their work and apply skills and knowledge to real-life problems and situations.
The challenges in the mathematics programme have a contextual approach, applying subject material to real day-to-day events.
Functional Skills Maths underpins the knowledge and skills required for GCSE maths. It allows students to reinforce their learning in this subject.


What will I study in Year 11?

In Year 11 you will study Functional Skills English at Level 1 or 2, depending on what best suits you. The course is graded ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’. To pass, all elements must be completed to the standard required by the exam board, which is AQA.

The course reflects the skills required for GCSE English Language, whilst enabling students to work at a slightly slower pace. The course is broken down into reading, writing, speaking, listening and communicating, which are all required elements of the assessment. There is an exam in reading and one in writing, at the end of the course. There is also a speaking, listening and communicating assessment during the course.


How will my work be assessed?

In addition to the exams, you will be assessed by the work completed in class: this will be in various forms - for example, written pieces, presentations, research and discussions. The completion of units will go towards your final grade qualification.


What qualifications will the course lead to?

Functional Skills Level 1 or Level 2.


How will it support my other subjects?

There will be time available in these lessons to focus on work from other subjects, as well as completing coursework.


Please only select Curriculum Support & Key Skills if your Head of House has suggested this to you.

Please contact Mrs Basurto for more information.
