Subject: Dance
Syllabus Number: AQA 8236
Teachers who lead the subject: Miss J Lawlor
Why study GCSE Dance?
Dance is a powerful and expressive subject which encourages students to develop their creative, physical, emotional and intellectual capacity, whatever their previous experience in the subject.
This specification recognises the role of dance in young people’s lives and you will study a range of dance styles and style fusions. Apart from the solo performance, you can choose any style in which to perform and choreograph, providing it meets the assessment criteria. The study of the anthology of professional works will develop your ability to critically appraise professional dance works and provide a springboard for engaging in practical tasks. You will study a range of dance styles which acknowledge aspects of the repertoire of dance that can be seen in the United Kingdom today.
The practical component of the course will enable you to study dance by ‘doing’ and the anthology of professional works will provide a springboard for the development of creative and engaging practical tasks.
This qualification recognises that GCSE Dance students choose dance for the practical rather than theoretical focus. As a result, the written assessment is clear, well-structured and easy for students to understand. You will enjoy the variety of question styles, which include multiple choice, short and extended answer.
Outline of syllabus content
GCSE dance students will learn to choreograph, perform and appreciate dance as an art form.
You will learn how to respond creatively to an externally set stimulus, to choreograph your own complete dance. The dance created must be either a solo dance (2 – 2 ½ minutes) or a group dance (3 – 3 ½ minutes) for two to five dancers.
You will develop and apply knowledge, understanding and skills to perform dance as a soloist (approx. 1 minute) and in a duet/trio (3 -4 minutes).
You will learn how to critically analyse, interpret and evaluate your own work in performance and choreography and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of professional practice in the six set works in the GCSE Dance Anthology.
This is a linear qualification. In order to achieve the award, students must complete all assessments at the end of the course and in the same series.
Component 1 Choreography and Performance (60%)
Internally marked and externally moderated. Non-exam assessment (NEA) marked by the centre and moderated by AQA.
30% of GCSE worth 40 marks
30% of GCSE worth 40 marks
Component 2 Dance Appreciation (40%)
Externally marked by AQA.
40% of GCSE worth 80 marks
Written exam: 1 hour 30 minutes
Additional information is available on the Curriculum Overview section of the website - click here