Sports Studies
Subject: OCR Cambridge National L1/2 Sports Studies
Syllabus Number: J829
Teacher who leads the subject: Mr T Godfray
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Why study Sports Studies?
This qualification is the vocational option when wanting to pursue Sport at Key Stage 4. The Cambridge National qualification is equivalent to a GCSE and will culminate in a recognised qualification at the end of Year 11. It provides an introduction to some of the key themes within the sport sector, enabling you to develop and apply your knowledge of sport, whilst also developing a range of relevant practical, communication and technical skills. The Cambridge National Level 2 shows clear progression to Level 3 vocational qualifications in the sixth form, including A-Level PE and college for those who want to take study of this subject further.
Outline of syllabus contenT
This qualification provides an engaging and relevant introduction to the world of sport. It incorporates important aspects of the industry such as present-day issues in sport, sports leadership and sport and the media. For this award you will study three separate units over Years 10 and 11.
- Unit R184, Contemporary Issues in Sport, is a compulsory unit and is assessed externally via a written exam.
- Unit R185, Performance and Leadership in Sports Activities, is also a compulsory unit, and is assessed internally via a number of practical and written assignments over the two years. Including practical assessment of performance in an individual and team sport and practical leadership of sports sessions.
- Unit R186, Sport and the Media, is internally assessed via a number of written assignments, the unit focuses on the positive and negative impact the media has had on sport.
In total there are three modules; one exam module and two coursework modules of which include practical assessment. R184, which is the exam unit, contributes towards 40% of the overall marks and 30% each for units R185 and R186. The exam is a one hour and fifteen-minute test totalling 70 marks and assesses all the work done in unit R184. The test will consist of objective and short answer questions.
A practical and theory coursework portfolio is also kept and regularly updated for your two other units. This may include assignments produced by you which could take the form of a written essay, annotated video clips, PowerPoint presentations, posters, interviews, witness statements, practical performance and practical leadership/coaching of skills. All of these assignments are set by the exam board in charge of the course and marked internally. Some of these assignments will then be sent off for external moderation.