Year 11s Inspired by St John's College, Oxford

06 Dec
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Our students had the opportunity to visit St John's College, University of Oxford and this is what they thought of the day.....

"We were recently given the chance to visit St John’s College at the University of Oxford. It was a great experience and gave us the opportunity to learn about life at university and at Oxford specifically, for example the collegiate system. We spoke to students currently studying at the university and got to ask questions about the application process, and their first year at Oxford. It was a really informative day and gave us all much more insight on our possible post-16 options. We had a tour around the college and got to have lunch in the dining hall and look around the Laudian Library and the Old Library. We also went to the Natural History Museum and were given a presentation on insects - and got the chance to hold live Madagascan cockroaches. We all had an amazing day and really enjoyed the experience."  Eva Herilhy (11Otter)

“My favourite part of the day was the Q&A with current Oxford students because I got to ask any questions that I had about the university and the application process in a way that I wouldn’t have had without this trip.”  Maria Coutinho 11Otter

“I found the day very insightful because we got to learn not only about current life at Oxford but also about the vast history of the university.” Maria Hawkes (11 Sherborne)

“The day made me consider Oxford as being one of my possibly options for the future, especially learning about the increasing number of state school students attending the university, but also because I really loved the atmosphere.”  Tom Vosper (11 King)