Pen Pals Letters

When we returned to school after the Christmas holidays we had a lovely surprise. Our pen pal letters had arrived!
Our Spanish friends had been very busy last term writing lovely letters to us about their Christmas traditions. We learnt a lot about how Spanish people celebrate Christmas, what food they eat and when they give each other presents. This term it was our turn to write to them. For the Year 8 students this was the first time they wrote a letter in Spanish so their letters were about themselves. They told their Spanish friends what personality they have, what type of activities they do in their free time even the colour of their hair and eyes. Spanish lessons have been really exciting these last couple of weeks!
For the Year 9 cohort, this was the third time they wrote to them so we talked about our holidays. Where we like to go in the summer, what we do when the weather is nice and even what flavour ice cream we prefer. All in Spanish of course!
Ms E López Gamero, Team Leader of Spanish & International School Coordinator