Accessibility Plan
Reviewed and approved by Governing Body - March 2024
Due for Review - Spring Term 2025
This plan will be reviewed annually.
Member of staff responsible: Business Manager and SENDCo
Bishop Luffa School strives to ensure that the culture and ethos of the school are such that, whatever the abilities and needs of members of the school community, everyone is equally valued and treats one another with respect. Students should be provided with the opportunity to experience, understand and value diversity.
Specifically, under the Equality Act 2010, schools should have a plan that:
- Increases the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum
- Improves the physical environment of the school to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of education, benefit facilities and services provided
- Improves the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils
At school we aim to treat all students fairly and with respect. This involves providing access and opportunities for all students without discrimination of any kind. We are also committed to staff training in equality issues with reference to the Equality Act 2010, including understanding disability issues.
legislation and guidance
This document meets the requirements of Schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010 and the Department for Education (DfE) guidance for schools on the Equality Act 2010.
The Equality Act 2010 defines an individual as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ adverse effect on their ability to undertake normal day to day activities.
Under the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice, ‘long-term’ is defined as ‘a year or more’ and ‘substantial’ is defined as ‘more than minor or trivial’. The definition includes sensory impairments such as those affecting sight or hearing, and long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer.
Schools are required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for students with disabilities under the Equality Act 2010, to alleviate any substantial disadvantage that a disabled student faces in comparison with non-disabled students. This can include, for example, the provision of an auxiliary aid or adjustments to premises.
Physical or mental impairments can include sensory impairments (such as those affecting sight and hearing) and learning difficulties. The definition also covers certain medical conditions when they have a long-term and substantial effect on students' everyday lives.
Aim of the plan
The aims of the Accessibility Plan are to ensure that Bishop Luffa School continues to work towards increasing the accessibility of provision for all students, staff and visitors to the school. The Accessibility Plan will contain relevant actions to:
- improve access to the physical environment of the school, adding specialist facilities as necessary. This covers improvements to the physical environment of the school and physical aids to access education.
- increase access to the curriculum for students with a disability, expanding the curriculum as necessary to ensure that students with a disability are as, equally, prepared for life as are the able‐bodied students. This covers teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the school such as participation in after‐school clubs, leisure and cultural activities or school visits. It also covers the provision of specialist aids and equipment, which may assist these students in accessing the curriculum.
- improve the delivery of written and electronic information to students, staff, parents/carers and visitors with disabilities. Examples might include handouts, timetables, textbooks and information about the school and school events. The information should be made available in various preferred formats within a reasonable time frame.
Action Plans are maintained, relating to these key aspects of accessibility and showing how the School will address the priorities identified. These plans will be reviewed and adjusted on an annual basis. New plans will be drawn up every three years.
action plans
Increase access to the curriculum for students with a disability | Differentiated curriculum for all students | To continue to improve and monitor Quality First Teaching in all classes | SEND surveys, SEND drop ins, Arbor analysis | SENCO, AHT staffing, Faculty Coaches, class teachers | 01/10/2024 |
Resources tailored to the needs of students who require support to access the curriculum | Ensure resources are available to students who need them. | Purchase appropriate resources and make available for wider school use. | Support, Coaches, teachers | 01/10/2024 | |
Curriculum resources include examples of people with disabilities | Coloured overlays, screens and computer readers for people with dyslexia. Pilates to build strength for students with low muscle tone who have OT programmes | Training, and appropriate user friendly resources to be bought in. | Support, Coaches, teachers | 01/10/2024 | |
Curriculum progress is tracked for all students | Expand use of Arbor and SISRA to suit need | Invest in Provision Map part of Arbor to support SEND data | LT, HOFs, Teachers | 01/10/2024 | |
Targets set are appropriate for students with additional needs | Ensure SEND data shred effectively and is taken into account when setting targets | Target setting teams in Faculties to enlist a SEND rep | HOFs, Teachers, Support | 01/10/2024 | |
The curriculum is regularly reviewed to ensure it meets the needs of all students | |||||
Improve and maintain access to the physical environment |
The environment is adapted to the needs of students as required. This includes:
Constantly reviewed as students enroll - First floor Art classrooms - lift access | To be considered in any strategic premises development | LT, Site team | 01/07/2024 |
Improve the delivery of information to students with disabilities |
The school uses a wide range of communication methods to ensure information is accessible
Good variety in use | Take advice from specific students as to how to constantly improve, | Support, Teachers, students | 01/10/2024 |