Extra-Curricular Activities and Clubs

There are a wide and varied range of School Clubs and Activities that take place in school both at lunchtime and after school.  Please do encourage your child to get involved, there is something there for everyone. Please note that there is a charge for some activities.  The full range of activities and clubs available are listed in the document below.

The Chichester Community Development Trust have a youth group being run by Dr Walker (one of our former teachers) at the Old Lodge, Graylingwell Park.  This will be held every Wednesday during term time- 7.00pm until 9.00pm for Years 7 to 11.  Come and chill out, do some activities, play some games or beat us at table football (we’re still in training).  All those attending will be required to pre-register to comply with COVID regulations.  Please follow this link to register.  If you would like to know more contact them on info@chichestercdt.org.uk or 01243 697072.

The Bell Tower Youth Drop-In Centre is open every week day from 3.00pm until 5.30pm and is free of charge to all secondary school students.  Young people can engage in a number of activities while attending the centre including gaming, getting help with homework, movie viewing, table football, group activities, and use of the internet cafe.  More information can be found at www.belltowerchi.uk.