Mrs Julie Barwell

I began my career qualifying as a chartered accountant and have spent the past 30 years working for a family office based in London.

As my own children left for university in 2011, I became a Governor of our village school, Fishbourne C.E. Primary School. I have been the Chair for the past 9 years and lead the board through the process of selecting and  joining BLLP. 

I feel privileged to have now been nominated to the BLLP board of trustees to continue to work with my fellow trustees for the benefit of children across the trust.


Type of Trustee Foundation
Date Appointed 7th October 2024
Term of Office 4 years
Attendance (Full Board of Trustees)  
Committee Membership  
Attendance (Committee)  


Please note that the attendance information relates to the academic year 2023-2024 (1/9/2023 to 31/8/2024)